Anxious. Stressed out.
Overwhelmed. Exhausted.

These words are all too common adjectives to describe how we feel on a daily basis. Life is stressful, but that reality doesn’t have to control you. Tension and Stress Releasing Exercises (TRE®) is an innovative approach to managing and mitigating the effects of stress in your body and in your life. TRE® was developed by Dr. David Berceli, and it's based on the idea that humans, like many animals, have a natural mechanism for releasing stress and tension through physical tremors or shaking


In this practice, you will learn a set of 7 gentle and adaptable exercises to elicit an intentional, self-controlled, therapeutic muscular tremor from deep in the core of the body.

This tremor reflex seeks out and gently vibrates open, deeply held patterns of tension in the muscle tissue and fascia of the body, while at the same time, naturally quieting and regulating the nervous system. The tremor originates in the brain stem, and because the emotional and thinking brain are not involved, historic patterns of tension and stress can be safely and gently released without triggering painful memories.

Sessions are offered on an individual and group basis; And consist of single sessions and a series of three and five sessions. Many people find they are able to self-direct their TRE® practice after three to five sessions.

​Who benefits from TRE®?

  • Frontline Workers and support workers 

  • First Responders

  • Teachers

  • RCMP

  • Individuals experiencing symptoms associated with PTSD or C-PTSD 

  • Individuals experiencing anxiety and panic challenges, those with varying stress levels, chronic or unexplained pain, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal issues, chronic headaches or migraines

  • You!

TRE® Client Experiences

The Intention

TRE® is accessible and easy to learn. The intention of each session is to re-introduce your body to its inherent and natural stress release mechanisms, creating predictability and safety, and re-story any narratives around how one’s body releases stress. You will be guided and supported through these sessions to ensure that you become familiar and comfortable with the process. TRE® is meant to be a self-care tool that you can access for the rest of your life to promote health and wellness on all levels.

Whether you are suffering from symptoms of post-traumatic stress, or just trying to keep your head above water in a frenetic and complicated world, TRE® has something to offer you.

We’re here to support you.

​​​TRE® is a safe and effective stress-release technique for many people, however, may not be suitable for everyone, and some individuals may experience strong emotions, fatigue, or energy during or after the practice. It is essential that an individual who wants to learn ​​​TRE® understands the importance of interpreting sensations within the body that indicate comfort or distress.  The TRE® process should not be used as a substitute for trauma recovery therapy or procedures of a medical or psychological nature.

TRE® Tune-Up

TRE® tune-up is designed for those who have a regular, self-directed practice and are looking for support in gently guiding their tremor into other parts of the body.​

  • If you are noticing that your body is habitually coming into the same patterns, this combination of guided TRE® and therapeutic touch may encourage your body's receptivity to tremors.  

  • touch can be applied to anywhere on the body, however is primarily applied to the feet, back, shoulders, neck, and head.

  • TRE® tune-up offers hands-on, supported enhancement of your practice, and encourages deep relaxation and stress relief.